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Fear of the Duck 6.0%, Plan Beer, Romania
2 notes
Fear of the Duck
6.0% India Pale Ale


Post author: Ioan Dionisie
Ioan Dionisie
4 years ago
Fear of the Duck, Romania
One of the best Ipas I tried. It has a very nice fruity smell and the taste is really good.

Post author: WexiLahti
5 years ago
Fear of the Duck, Romania
Flight 2/4. Transparent, amber beer with a cloud-white, cotton head that rises up to half a finger and settles soon down to a thinner lacing wafting on the surface for long. The olfactory push is awkward: skunky sewerage with a faint nuance of durian. The palate follows the strange skunky, a tad cellary aromatic route. I get lemon peel, durian and cellary molds. The light-bodied beer ends with a rather crisp hoppy, lemony tang from which the unpleasant tangs have fortunately vanished. The aftertaste keeps the taste receptors working for long. The mouthfeel is light, skunky, stale, cellary and crisp. Uninviting.