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ESAPA 5.2%, Pikkulanperän Panimo, Finland
4 ratings
5.2% India Pale Ale
Pikkulanperän Panimo is located in Oulu Finland/Pudasjärvi Finland, the two locations give the brewery a chance to make very different beers at the same time. Brewmaster Esa is new to the business and open to new ideas. ESAPA is the first brew of Pikkulanperän Panimo. It was intended to be a light fruity Pale ale, but it grew to be something much more. Description: Suodattamaton Esamainen Pale Ale Humalat: Cascade ja Mandarina Bavaria IBU 50+ Unfiltered Esa like Pale Ale Hops: Cascade and Mandarina Bavaria IBU 50+ Be open minded and give it a try.


Post author: Esa J
Esa J
7 years ago
0,5l bottle from IPA glass. Dark amber, almost brown, clear. Thick light brown foam. Grassy hoppy smell with dark malts. This has been in a bottle for 10 months. Strong grassy, citrus, grapefruit and mandarin taste. High carbonation. Bitter long lasting taste. Slight note of raisin. Surprisingly good still. The last bottle. RIP Esapa, my firstborn.

Post author: Esa J
Esa J
8 years ago
0,33l bottle from pint. 5 weeks in a bottle, getting better!

Post author: Esa J
Esa J
8 years ago
ESAPA, Finland
0,5l bottle from IPA-glass. Dark amber, almost brown, hazy. Long lasting light brown foam. Hoppy citrus aroma, notes of grapefruit and grass. High carbonation. Lots of grass and citrus. Bitter. Just a tiny taste of yeast. Could use a bit more freshness. All in all I'm very pleased with this one, considering this is my first homebrew. Cheers!

Post author: keissijouni
8 years ago