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Iskold Classic 5.6%, Mikkeller, Denmark
279 ratings
Iskold Classic
5.6% Amber Lager / Vienna Lager
This classic vienna lager packs rich aromas of cereal, malt and honey. Taste balances soft sweetness from malt with a refreshing assertive bitterness, medium body, soft carbonation.


Post author: Eirankaljakuningas
5 days ago
Iskold Classic, Denmark

Post author: Dome_386
@ Homberg's große Bierwelt - der Getränkemarkt von REWE Homberg
9 days ago
Iskold Classic, Denmark

Post author: Alex D
Alex D
23 days ago
Iskold Classic, Denmark
Super lager bien équilibré entre le goût et l'amertume

Post author: Mary L
Mary L
23 days ago
Iskold Classic, Denmark
Bonne lager pourtant pas fan en général. Bon goût de céréales

Post author: Juuso S
Juuso S
29 days ago

Post author: Johan J
Johan J
1 month ago

Post author: Marcus S
Marcus S
2 months ago

Post author: Tommyblyaa
2 months ago
Iskold Classic, Denmark

Post author: Back c
Back c
2 months ago
Iskold Classic, Denmark

Post author: Mark S
Mark S
2 months ago
Iskold Classic, Denmark
Nice pour that was equal parts crisp and foam. Body is a lovely amber colour with slight brown hue, moderate carbonation in the glass and two fingers of off white foam that settled to a half finger. Scents bread, cracker, a little sweet biscuit and lots of malted barley. Mouthfeel is moderate crisp at first but largely foamy for the rest, with a nicely robust medium body and a foamy coating left in the mouth after. Taste is malty upfront, with the sweet malts starting off. Sweet biscuit and bread upfront, barley maintains a presence as a sort of base layer and the dry cracker creeps in with a different sweetness, a hint of honey I think. Nice malty aftertaste too. A great Vienna lager.