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Thatchers Cider
2321 Bewertungen
Thatchers Cider
Sandford, England

Thatchers has always been a family business, and it always will be. We’ve been making cider for over 100 years and each generation has passed on their secrets, like encouraging bees to pollinate apple blossom, or looking after the 150 year old oak vats. We believe our cidermakers are the best in the business, and our passion for quality has led to an unrivalled range of premium ciders. We sell our ciders across the UK but are also available worldwide including Australia and Europe. It’s our deep knowledge and passion for apple varieties that set us apart. Our ciders are authentic, full of flavour and with a distinct character that reflects English cidermaking at its best. Don’t just take our word for it - we’ve racked up quite a few awards.

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Post author: Andreas93
5 days ago
Mieto, kesäinen uutuus veriappelsiini siideri.

Post author: ryangriffiths98
@ Tesco
7 days ago

Post author: Jani H
Jani H
@ Harry's Old English Pub
7 days ago
First bite sour and apple crust. Full and sour body. Short aftertaste with appla crust. Mediocre.

Post author: Olga B
Olga B
12 days ago
Jatkoon menee ^^ ei montaa pysty juomaan mut 1 tai 2 ni hyvä o.

Post author: Tero M
Tero M
@ K-Supermarket Sepänkylä/Piffi
14 days ago
Raikas janojuoma kesäiselle terassille. Sitruuna olis voinu olla vielä raikkaampi,nyt jäi enemmän makeaksi

Post author: Willday L
Willday L
18 days ago
Nice and light cider, not too bitter or sweet a, good balance. Solid choice out of a can.

Post author: _scrase
@ Sainsbury's Filton
18 days ago

Post author: Frank
@ Public Corner
19 days ago
Good cider. Pale colour, dry taste, nice apple aromas, refreshing. Tasty