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The London Beer Factory
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The London Beer Factory

Progressive and independent beer. Crafted in South East London. Chelsea Blonde sounds like the punchline to a tasteless joke, or perhaps a Donovan record (no, they're not the same thing), but it’s neither. It is, in fact, a session beer produced by London Beer Factory. Founded in 2014 on the same trading estate that houses Gipsy Hill Brewing, LBF is a company that brims with confidence and ambition. The brothers who run this operation are clearly intent on making a splash - and they probably will. Look out for their London cab, done up in OLBF livery, with beer sold out of the boot.

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Post author: IDollBeers
@ The Barrel Project
8 days ago
Lager avec une carbonation fine, mais ultra présente. Arôme maltée assez présent avec un final sec.

Post author: IDollBeers
@ The Barrel Project
1 month ago
Acide avec une pointe de vinaigre. Bien équilibré avec des notes de cerises fraîches et peu sucré. Longueur sur le vinaigre. Plus elle se réchauffe, plus le côté vinaigre prends le dessus.

Post author: Seasider
@ Tesco
3 months ago
Nice citrus taste.