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Original Stormtrooper Beer
1381 arviota
Original Stormtrooper Beer
Banbury, England

Our craft beer is exclusively produced by an elite garrison of hop shock troops, stationed at Vocation Brewery in Hebden Bridge. One of the UK’s leading craft breweries, they produce beers with a focus on American hops. We couldn’t be prouder and luckier to have them brewing our beers for us.

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Post author: Hallabrew Proffa
Hallabrew Proffa
@ Vinmonopolet Alta
6 days ago
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…. It is a time for another beer review, this time in a form that suits the beers theme. In the depths of the galaxy, a new force has emerged, a black beer with brown highlights and a tense tanned head. Wonderful sweet and roasted aromas fill the air of Mos Eisley Cantina, with hints of roasted coffee and nuttiness. The taste is sweet, balanced with medium roastiness, like the perfect harmony between the Light and Dark sides. So rich in coffee tones that it’s hard to believe there is no coffee added, much like the hidden power of the Force. Nutty maltiness, with a hint of caramel, and very light floral notes, reminiscent of the lush gardens of Naboo. Medium balanced bitterness, drying out with dark roasted coffee tones, echoing the depths of space. Its creamy, soft mouthfeel and tingling fine carbonation bring balance to the Force, uniting flavors like the Jedi and the Sith. May the Stout be with you! 🍻

Post author: Anneli P
Anneli P
9 days ago
Voimaolut järkkäilyhommissa, toimii!

Post author: Sir Guru Kabu
Sir Guru Kabu
@ Hoptimaal
9 days ago
Hyvä pilsu pienten puhdetöiden lomassa.

Post author: aelias
@ Drinks of the World, Oerlikon
20 days ago