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Beavertown Brewery
9532 Bewertungen
Beavertown Brewery

Beavertown is modern London’s iconic brewery. What it has achieved in a few short years is impressive: two iconic brands (Gamma Ray and Neck Oil), a huge, internationally famous annual festival, a growing range of experimental beers, the ability to lure hundreds of drinkers out to a nondescript Tottenham industrial estate every weekend. Logan Plant started it, but this has clearly been a team effort. The fact that credible rumours about a buyout refuse to go away serve as testament to Beavertown’s success.

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Post author: Peebs
11 hours ago
Quite a strong taste 🍻

Post author: Baudebière
2 days ago
Beaucoup d'agrumes. Rafraîchissante

Post author: Andy M
Andy M
@ Asda Robroyston
2 days ago
Tropical fruit flavours are nice though the flavours are a little weak, surprisingly more bitterness than I expected too.